
Steven H. Low
CVF. J. Gilloon Professor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences and Electrical Engineering.
Graduate Students

Nico Christianson
WebsitePhD Candidate in Computing and Mathematical Sciences
I am a PhD student in CMS at Caltech, where I am advised by Steven Low and Adam Wierman, and supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. In my research, I am broadly interested in designing algorithms for online optimization, control, and learning, with an emphasis toward applications in energy and sustainability.

Yiheng Xie
WebsitePhD Student in Computing and Mathematical Sciences
I am a PhD student at Caltech CMS, focusing on the modeling, analysis and optimization of energy systems. I am intersted in research questions with rigor and relevance. I spent the last two years building a high-resolution sensor network in California, dubbed “Digital Twin.”

Han Xu
WebsiteI am a PhD student at Caltech, where I am advised by Prof. Steven Low. In my research, I am interested in simulation, control and optimization of power systems or other networked systems.
Visiting Students

Verena Häberle
WebsiteVerena Häberle is a PhD student at the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA) at ETH Zurich since June 2020. Her research explores the intersection of power system dynamics and control, highlighting her expertise across various disciplines, including automatic control, power systems, power electronics, and renewable energy sources. Verena is joining us in Fall 2024. Welcome, Verena!

Kaibo Chen
I am a graduate student from Tianjin University, China. Before joining Prof. Low’s Netlab, I focused on power electronics, especially wireless power transfer. With my background in Control Science, I am enthusiastic about doing some challenging research on energy systems through this opportunity.

Ethan Varghese
WebsiteI’m a high school student from Pleasanton, California, attending Foothill High School. Specializing in web development and machine learning, I’m thrilled to join Dr. Low’s Netlab team, where I’ll be working on exciting projects. Eager to learn and contribute, I’m excited for the opportunity to immerse myself in cutting-edge research and development.
Caltech Faculty Collaborators

Adam Wierman
WebsiteProfessor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences; Executive Officer for Computing and Mathematical Sciences; Director, Information Science and Technology

John Doyle
WebsiteJean-Lou Chameau Professor of Control and Dynamical Systems, Electrical Engineering, and Bioengineering

Mani Chandi
WebsiteProfessor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences; Executive Officer for Computing and Mathematical Sciences; Director, Information Science and Technology
Administrative Assistant

Christine Ortega
Laboratory Research Assistant
Previous Graduate Students
Previous Postdoctoral Researchers
Previous Student Visitors
Andreas Venzke
Technical University of Denmark
Chenxi (Stephanie) Sun
Hong Kong University
Zhaojian Wang
Tsinghua University, China
Junhao Lin
2015 - 2016
Hong Kong University
Daniela Meola
2013 - 2014
Control Department
Università del Sannio, Italy
Yongmin Zhang
2013 - 2014
Control Department
Zhejiang University, China
Chengdi Lai
2012 - 2013
Fulbright Scholar, EEE
Hong Kong University
Jongkyoo Kim
2010 - 2011
Postech, Korea
Kai Wang
2010 - 2011
Tsinghua University, China
Krister Jacobsson
2008 - 2009
KTH, Sweden
Kyungmo Koo
2004 - 2005
Postech, Korea
Hyojeong Choe
2001 - 2003
Postech, Korea
Previous Faculty Visitors
Janusz Bialek
Moscow, Russia
Feng Liu
2015 - 2016
Tsinghua University
Electrical Engineering
Angela Zhang
Chinese University
of Hong Kong
Fernando Paganini
Universidad ORT, Uruguay
Jin S Lee
Postech, Korea